Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Doing ya Nut !

Roughly 2 am Ej awoke on the inside bed screaming after spewing in his sleep all over his Doona and part of the bed this was brought on very quickly ,holding my vomit back only just I jumped out of bed to help him but was driven back by both my own hurling churning guts and the vile smell of vomit in the van so momma bear came to our rescue with buckets and wipes !.
Sheets and pillow cases were changed and bedding area tidied and tried to get back to bed on my sick stomach ,the chicken it would appear may have been the culprit although I did notice some out of date cheese at the Makers Workshop I hope it wasn't ours !.
Only an hour into the next troubled slumber dash man awoke mumbling loudly so we lurched from bed with another bucket ready for him and saved the sheets from any mess.
Minutes later was driving the plastic bucket bus towards the known ending!
This type of shit we really didn't need and I believe it may have been either the chicken or cross contamination of chicken ,not good considering my experience in the kitchen .
Morning brought a slow awakening but still for EJ and I sore bellies so a average non enthused start.
After most of the family having brekky except myself I really couldn't be bothered doing anything today however after some searching found the energy to struggle on.
Stanley and further down the north west coast was he order of the day.
We pulled over to check out the Cape lighthouse the only working lighthouse still open to public tours .
This light house was unusual in its Victorian red brick design rounded and with wrought iron staircase so we were told once we began the tour .
Times were tough when this was built obviously as we read the signboard explaining the over engineered design and how families coped with coastal conditions in early times ,such as how one of the lighthouse keepers boys fell to his death whilst having fun rolling rocks over the edge to the sea below .
Corinna and I are both not fans of height but the stairs are solid as was the building so stepping out on the top viewing platform was pretty good but still quite daunting ,certainly the views we achieved were well worth it.
Back on the rd again we lunched at Wynard bakery and on towards Stanley with a few geocache side trips.
The chairlift beckoned us as we contemplated walking up to "the nut" proper ,this wasn't an easy task in my uneasy state and Ej was showing signs of sickness as well.
One way tickets were purchased and we made our way to the top on the chairlift and soon reached the top easily with with no big side winds despite the slightly windy gloomy afternoon.
we headed off on our 2km interpretive walk around the nut with many lookouts surrounding the mount some out to sea ,across the land and down to the fishing port below with one trawler an awesome Cadbury purple colour.
Many pictures were taken of the wildlife we encountered such as burrowing echidna's ,Bennett's wallabies and pademelons and wild birds around us.
Walk finished we headed down the steep and treacherous pathway to below ,dash continually discussed if I could ride down this (course! I replied).
Weary from the walk we revived ourselves with ice cream and drinks at the chicks ate shop in town.
The drive home back down the Bass hwy to Pioneer Park to a well earned slumber .

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