Thursday, 28 March 2013

Last day on the island :(

As luck would have it ( fairly unusual for us )the weather was fine to pack up in and we were gone by 1030 ish a and it was a nice cruisey trip to the highway and on down to devonport where we threw the anchors out a Coles beach free camp a fairly basic car park but it was only a short drive to the ferry early tomorrow .
We left the camper unpacked to get some lunch and supplies to see us across on the spirit rather than pay good money for bad food on board .
Then it was back to the camper which we set up basically sans annexe and made some chicken cheese and pineapple melts at the nearby BBQ .
The next trip into the town only a few blocks away we needed to use the linc services at the library to print out our tickets for the boarding .
We whittled away some time here with the kids getting comfy in bean bags and cushy seats with some good books it was a great way to spend time like this , I would keep it in mind for rainy days near a library or common room.
The kids played and we all took a walk on the beach watching a few surfers get very little reward for a lot of effort on the waves.
We decided to watch the spirit of Tasmania 2 go out and dash hit the skate park again then we trod off home for a late tea of steak sangas around the bbq again.
We prepared sangas for the next day and froze juice for us all and of course charged up every electrical device we had for the trip to the mainland .
some bloody Germans had parked right n top of our camper and there rooftop tent opened To our side leaving only a squeeze to get our door open to get in !
Corinna and I had a restless night sleep I think worried about missing the boat , needless to say we were awake every hour after 1 am till 530 ish when we kept talking so we got up .

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