Monday, 30 June 2014

Day 11 Devils marbles to somewhere out bush?!!

Another chilly morning with the wind chill tempting me to stay in bed awhile , but luckily dash and the handbrake got  the sunrise photos over the devils marbles early .
Most oof the packed campsite was gone by 9 with only us stragglers leaving a little  later buut it was so peaceful not even any highway noise.
The kids enjoyed a play around the rock mounds and waved from high on a nearbyy boulder.
With no definite plan on where to stay , mainly because it was a 4wd track and who knew the road conditions ,maybe policemans station waterhole would be nice  .
We got some more pics of the Marbles from some other locations around the small reserve then headed north back p the Stuart hwy to the Binns track turnoff heading into the Davenport ranges , road conditions were fairly good i didnt even air down at first. 
There was little raffic out here i think three cars and 3 army trucks (2 tankers and 1 mack recmech from 6 engineers squadron from alice on their way bay from camp Brit a nearby at Wutunugurra a small aboriginal community after Epenarra apparently some sort of local initiative to  teah them to help themselves and looked like building better roads and infrastructure for themselves.
We passed through Kurundi station but being a weekend it wasnt open for fuel or supplies but that was fine we kept on  going , i didnt expect a shop out here in no mans land although Epenarra wasnt far from here i guess.

After Epenarra it wasnt too far to the policemans station waterhole a semi permanent source of water where a homestead and old tungsten mining settlement had once been.
Plenty of water here but man was it  cold between the windchill and water there was no swimming although the boys did try and i did put my feet in  brrrrrrr!

Lunch was had here mostly the flies on us lol but we had soup and toasted pita bread to warm our souls .
We relly should have camped here the niight and taken it easy but i was anxious to push on.
from here the road became basically a creek bed for another 80 kms  past Hatches creek the old poppet head and mine sight which says it closed in the 1960`s but looked far more recent .

We had an interesting run in with a few donkeys with  one tthat seemed t be dancing to the song on our car at the time , small things amuse small minds lol .
The track wound pass Frew river and eventually ouur turn off and a new graded road appeared but as yet unnamed on any map we seen exceptt that it was part of Binns tracke so we took it .
The pace quickened here so i gained momentum looking  for a mapped "bush camp" at the givn coordinates ths never eventuated  and we thought maybve at a cross roads ahead but no so we backtracked a km or so to no avail so we made or own bushcamp and soon setup just before dusk and had a simple meal and enjoyed a nice fire and got  on with charades as we had done countless times on our big lap , as i said small thiings small minds but it was a great family ritual of ours by now so we roll with it and the parents really admireed the kids collective arrangements and how they got on so well to  amuse us  .
The wind was kinder on us tonight but everyone  was in bed a little after nine with me tying  away with a glass of red around the fire being niice and cosy.
Tommorow ii must maintain a steady easy pace and setup earler to taske it all in .
We were heading to Gemtree with Cornna and I being keen on visiting the new caretakers we met via facebook  along with a few families.

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