Thursday, 10 July 2014

Day 16 Old Andado station to the geographical centre of Australia

I'm sure last night was the coldest night since we have been travelling , man was it cold , I was in no rush to get up but the sun was beckoning for a pic of a Simpson desert sunrise which Corinna took while putting the kettle on which persuaded me to raise my cold bones out of bed.
Once the sun came up it was quite nice.
Dust had been a bit of an issue over the last week dirtying our almost new looking canvas to a more used look ah well no matter maybe we can clean it when we are off the  dirt track .
Spaghetti on toast was great for us boys with a cuppa while the girls were satisfied with jam on toast.
Packed up reasonably early I agin had to jump start the crank battery off the secondary battery which had been playing up the last few days , at first I suspected a stuck solenoid relay but I now fear its a dud battery which I will remedy back in Bendigo as I still have the secondary , two camper batteries and a smaller backup battery if needed.
The old Andado station was only 50 or so Kms down the track and we made good time down the sandy rutted but well driven track in due course.
The signs said on the map fuel was available but it wasn't so I'm guessing the hema map was either outdated or incorrect , not that we needed any for at least 700 Kms with our jerries still full.
The campground here said we could look in the homestead for a gold coin donation but the signs t the door of the homestead said no admittance so I was a bit unsure so we only ventured around the yards instead certainly old but still very liveable in relative comfort it appears no one lived here except caretakers after Molly Clark moved on .

Plenty of cattle both  the most southern kept brahma and some shorthorns were everywhere on the Andado station with plenty of bores around to keep them watered but fodder still fairly scarce excepting new green pick and wildflowers recently sprouting .
We had toasted ham , cheese , tomato and pineapple pita breads just after mayfeild bore then skirted along the finke  river diversion past the station and into the Witjira national park that is the border into South Australia and the Simpson desert park region passing a few groups of 4 wders exiting the Simpson desert proper .sandy and full of bull dust the track was soon entering mt dare where there was another diversion into the hotel grounds around the airstrip.
Fuel here was $2.45 per litre but we were still fine till the next day .
We had a celebratory beer and cold drink at the hotel and a bite to eat as we had finally finished Binns track all the way from Timber creek near the north eastern WA border to here some 2100 Kms of off rd 4 wheel driving without out 1400 Kms of detours before and after Kakadu .
We took some obligatory snaps read some local info chatted with the hotel keep who could have been a little bit cheerier but ah well not our worry.
A bit of a rabbit warren to get out of on the many tracks both wet and dry after recent rains soon had us pointing to Charlotte waters the former sight of an ill fated telegraph station then on past the aboriginal town of Finke , passing quite a few south eastern travellers , two of which I gave a serve on th UHF and with hand signals not pleasant as they never slowed an inch while passing on the gibber filled rd possibly causing damage and or an accident.
We took the detour to Lamberts geographical centre of Australia and decided to camp the night in this beautiful wildflower filled park with only one other traveller.

It seems upon chatting with them before tea they may have met another South African , Willem a few years back by all accounts , what a coincidence and they were very pleased with his travelling knowledge much like most of us who know him and Jude whom we shall see in a few days time.
Decent firewood is scarce here so we are all of to bed after watching Ej beat dad at battleships.

Ni ni 

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