Friday, 8 February 2013

Dismal swamp and the Tarkine adventure forest

An overcast windy day loomed again but according to the weather reports was improving on the coast so we decided we would head back to the top end of the tarkine forest to go to the forest adventure we noticed the night before .
The area had great walks such as a magical path ,a artists walk and one depicting burrowing crayfish which the kids enjoyed .
Of course there was a admission price which the better Half paid as the boys and I set ourselves up on the near vertical slide which takes you 110 metres below to the swamp floor below at speeds just over 40 km per hour and the corners have you right up on the edge which have you seriously thinking you will tip over or go over the edge .
Arriving flat out down the bottom in the mat they slide you into you are glad you wear a helmet as your head aches from the jarring corners but its hard to wipe the smile of any of our faces and its all the boys talk about as we walk up the steep winding track back to the top for our second run as we run into Shahla and mum who walked down avoiding the slide much to shahla's disgust as you had to be 8 years old so Corinna walked Shahla and took photos of us coming down for the next run.
Ej had the first run down when we first arrived so now it was time for dash then myself ,love it, be sure to check out Tarkine slide on you tube it gives a better perspective of the ride.
Once we slid to the bottom we did our best to convince momma bear to do the slide which she swore adamantly she wasn't going down "that bloody thing" but by the end of the walk we refused to leave the bottom of the slide as she walked back up until the slide was conquered .
You go down the slide that quick it's hard to get pictures or even video but our attempts our below.
Smithton once again provided us with some fuel supplies to top up in case the bigger servos were shut back towards camp .
A short trip around town to look at the lookout and tiny river inlet and we were back on our way back to Burnie to clean the soaking spewy clothes from the other night and again to the supermarket to top up some much needed food supplies .
Back to Pioneer park South Riana for our last night as the camper was organised and parts in for repair on the winding tracks and rear springs.
We were informed the day had been very windy and blustery as was evident in our billowing annexe so I'm glad we shot out for the day.

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