Thursday, 7 February 2013

Narawntapu national park and lower Tamar valley

Glistening sunshine awoke me early with me thinking oh snap I hadn't put the solar panels out in readiness for the morning sun to recharge the batteries via our awesome ctek 250s dual mppt charger ,no problem I jumped out of my comfy bed for morning constitutionals and. Reel out he cable and panels ,easy done.
A quick catch up on my blogs I had lost and a new one added then settle into breakfast and the kids schoolwork which thankfully we had reception for at the moment as Ej had a 1 hour online assessment and dash wasn't able to log in due to still some hiccups in the distance ed online system ,Shahla was easily sorted with a couple of cd audio clips from her teacher and some cutting and colouring in which then needed to be sent off back to Melbourne ,although we soon realised we needed some school supplies mostly for Shahla in a craft aspect ,the time taken tis morning to do this was nearly three hours between the three kids so it was mid 11 when we took off for Beaconsfield.
Through the narawntapu national park we headed along a beach track then onto the main beach rd before turning back into a dirt rd along the park border and some fairly serious 4wheel drive side roads which got the heart pumping before arriving at Yorktown historic area which was a one time capital of tassie and one of the first ports discover by bass and flinders late 1897 .
Nothing remains of the village except a walk around the site with some boards and extracts from papers depicting local legends such as Paterson the one time commander of the gaol and some murderers and local bushrangers, local aborigines obviously didn't like the early white man here so much so that the inland cattle route was given up in favour of sending the cattle upstream via boats .
The village today is a bit of a quandary as to how people lived here and why it failed but but a short 8 years after its inception was gone forever .
The beach and lunch beckoned us onwards and down to Clarence point ,Kelso and greens beach but the wind was shocking so we spent little time away from the shelter of trees and headlands today I'm afraid .
Still having not eaten lunch at well after 3 we head into Beaconsfield to explore the mine and museum , getting over paying to see again and again but it is I know unavoidable.
History buffs would rejoice at the old machinery some still in working order here , was a great sight to see and a fair portion of this afternoon here we spent in the old rural phone exchange working the old phones ,it w as so funny to hear the kids ask how the dial around phones work.
The mine rescue exhibition from the 2006 rock fall which claimed 1 life and shot the other two into Mining folklore was very good and put a realistic perspective from their workings into my mind this area was probably a 1/4 of the whole tour .
Then the historic area of this mine and the older one on site really interested me with its working water wheel and twelve clanging noisy batteries stomping away to crush the ore and rocks for gold .
Before long we were running out of time and soon headed out as it was closing time,thankfully we were given a pass out for tomorrow so the kids could finish their animal treasure hunt and we could explore the rest of the museum historical area .
A quick stop at the supermarket for tea and ugh supplies for the next few days proved fairly pricey but still cheaper than takeaway, and of course some cold drinks for the adults as th mrs hasn't had a cider since we arrived!
Batman bridge,crossed the Tamar river a little further up so we did a BBQ there and ate greedily as we had forgotten lunch (10 steps to bad parenting !)
Several black chooks , a kookaburra family and peacock joined us for tea in the batman bridge reserve which I'm afraid was littered badly by people camping illegally and dumping their rubbish and fires around!
The speed the tide was rushing the river along was simply amazing I suggest you check it out preferably in person or on YouTube I guess .
Tea finished we headed back to the park and our campsite via Exeter and a few quaint small towns.
Once back here it Was quick geo nearby then a beer n cider for the oldies and custard and fruit for the kids .
Shahla wanted a little bit more schoolwork before bed god bless while
the two boys read some books .

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