Today we packed up camp and are heading to Eliot falls campground.42 kms and we arrive at bramwell junction we all refuel and head out the back to have a look at Palm creek crossing. If we can do it we will continue on the OTT. Well this was definetly not to be it had the biggest ruts and bog we have seen in a long while,there were 12 or so motorbikes we watched doing different paths although 1 riding seemed to be doing all the hard stuff. after 1/2 hour we turn around and head back out to bramwell. About 30 kms past bramwell Davids Pajero went into limp mode boy were we all pissed off none more than Dave as he could see this as the end of his trip. He kicked his foot into the door and revved the f out of the motor we were crying as we waved him goodbye. He so was looking forward to this trip.The mood changed some what we were all so disappointed.As Dash said "mum we are a soilder down ". To true little buddy.But we pressed on to Eliot while dave limped to Bramwell.
We arrived at Eliot and had nearly set up when we were met by a family who said we were in there spot so after a bit of arguing we packed up and moved as it turns out i had the wrong site number in my memory. So take 2 we set up and then head to the saucepan for a quick dip before tea its already 6pm but still quite warm .This place truly is an oasis. Then tea and bed we were allstuffed and disappointed with dave having to leave.
At 10.45 I was awoken to "hey are you in the wrong spot ".I didn't know if i was dreaming then i hear "its the Filbeys , its ok bub its just dave". I jumped up and so did ron they fixed his car in weipa we showed dave his site then then went back to bed the clan was complete again.
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