Friday, 27 June 2014

Day 7 Harriet creek to Bullita Station

Waking up earlyy seems to be the norm for  us adults (work routine i suspect) so we made the most of it with a quick cuppa then pack up and on the road before most of the campers had even left the shelter of campers and tents.
We had used the age old method of bribery of a maccas brekky to get everyone going early.
Hence to say we arrived at katherine an hour or so later where hungry mouths consumed wraps and mcmuffins and a much needed coffee by the adults .
I needed yet another uhf antenna (the 4th on our whole trip!) and a resitor to wire in to a led display for the dual battery setup then it was groceries which some things we desperately needed such as coffee and real milk .
On the way back to the car a aboriginal man was stalking us  for the $1 coin from our trolley which while we were unpaccking he noticed our guitar which we let him play and he did so with great enthusiasm and showed dash some pointers.
Too early for the bottlle shops  for adult drinks so we fueled up and headed for Timber Creek wiith a stop at the Noel Buntine memorial cairn dedicated to a local  trucking legend, then a final toilet stop at sullivans campground where we all lined up for the single toilet surrounded by nomads camping cheaply.
It was not long later that i was being reamed at the Timber Creek roadhouse topping up the main tank so we had a good range for off road driving in the Gregory National Park tracks.

60 kms later we were at the Bulita Homestead a fairly well kept reminder of yesteryear with the stockyards rebuilt in a replica of the  former station yards.
The campground was a short backtrack where we setup around 5ish and prepared chicken and pumpkin risotto which we ate aroound our rippa fire (the first one we had lit  thus far ).

Journals updated and a cuppa before bed we were all  eager for a good nights sleep.


  1. that swag on the left looks familiar....

  2. a couple of mods but still going well ,dash loves it
