Friday, 27 June 2014

Day 9 Humbert track to Top Springs roadhouse

While it was a fairly late start we made relatively  good time along the track today , we didnt leave till ten  after a chat with neighbours who adored our well mannered kids (yeah im not sure it was mine either ! lol jk ),the veering on to the southern part of the Gregory National park along Humberts track named after Les Humbert an aboriginal stockman who laater became a TO here but grew up in this area around Bullita station .
I had the bikes mounted on the roof and anticipated no real issues with tree height , just the few small branches which moved around my path .
The going was good for the first 10 kms with the average just under 20 kph but some sections a mere crawl. The next 10 kms a bit slower again then the ten after that very slow.
We encountered no travellers at all on humbert track today which is good but not so much ifthings turned   pear shaped.
Humbert river crossing was uneventful but good fun regardless as was the whole track  to be honest.
We came across many Brahma and a few packs of wild broncos  even a scrawny lone dingo in the red scrub .
Lunch was snacks on the go unfortunately as we needed to hit Top Springs before dark.
A short detour then a short cut fixed a 5 km map error we had made where a new road had been cut on Mculloch station.
Soon we were passing  Yarralin and back  on the Buchanan highway and passing the large Victoria River Downs with some rather foolish backpackers swimming without a care for crocs on the crossing!
The road was fairly good but im sure our dust cloud carried for miles around.
Finally we arrived done and dusted at around 530 pm at Top Springs where we unpacked  enough to eat and sleep but we managed a few drinks in the pub which was great to settle the dust in our system  
Two bowls of chips and gravy were ordered  to accompany the ham and cheese burgers ej had made for us for tea.
Shower time was a real treat but at $25 for just  a plain site this was no Taj Mahal in the amenities.
Quiet play time and journals finished our night quite pleasantly.   

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